Cats are funny creatures - at times the most affectionaite beings on earth, but more often than not they're disgusted by your mere presence. So imagine your average's cats delight when their owner decides to partake in a spot of 'breading...'
Oh god not the pickle, ANYTHING but pickle... |
Breading is the latest internet craze (by insane cat owners) whereby cats heads are placed through slices of bread to give the effect of a 'mane'. Now I'm no artist, but I've yet to see a lion with a main even half resembling a slice of bread. Surely there are more effective ways to "lion-up" your moggy... hair growth cream, the end of a mop, or just a bit of DIY with a stuffed Simba toy...
"I'm gonna be a mighty king..." |
'Breading' isn't the first bizarre internet sensation, nor will it be the last, so we asked for other crazy suggestions. 'Tebowing' is the art of pulling a Bruce Foresyth pose and taking a photo, whilst pancake rabbits involves placing pancakes, or similar objects, on top of rabbits' heads. The 'jag off' involves people photographing or videoing their best 'moves like jagger' moment, whilst "I'm Sexy and I Know It" features generally ugly people posting photos with the LMFAO song title underneath. Genius.
Myself and Producer Jonno decided to start a new internet sensation/fad... the art... of 'manking'. To take part, you must simply find a fellow man, hoist him onto your shoulders (in whatever method you deem appropriate) and take a photo of your triumphant moment as the king of 'man'. Women, if you're jealous by this prospect, fear not - 'womanking' is equally suitable. Let the craze begin... Here's Producer Jonno's manking me...
Stronger than he looks... |
And here's my somewhat more feeble attempt at manking...
'bruised coccyx' is the excuse I'm going for |
Turns out manking goes back a number of years, with people really mixing up the concept...
'Boxking' - Empty boxes can be hard work |
Manking can easily go wrong leading to possible injury |
The Manking World Champion - a personal hero. |
#manking twitter people... get snapping!
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